Saturday, February 16, 2019

Vision Board

I'm kind of obsessed with Rachel Hollis. (Author of Girl Wash your Face.) If you don't already listen to her podcast or follow her on Instagram, do yourself a favor and subscribe to both. Rachel spoke about how every year each  family member  makes a vision board about what they want to accomplish. It could be something very simple such as going on more date nights or something big like taking a vacation. I thought this was a fantastic idea so I decided to make one. 

It's obviously nothing fancy but it's things I want to do whether big or small. I put it up in our spare room near the treadmill so I'll see it often. Weight loss has given me freedom to dream. To get excited about trying new things, wearing new outfits, taking pictures, taking care of myself, the list goes on and on. I get excited to buy makeup again, to invest time in myself, not for anyone else, but for me. I feel like I'm worth it again. I haven't felt like  that in a very long time. It's about confidence. Not that being smaller is the only way to feel confident, people find confidence is different ways, mine is just in this form. But taking the time to take care of myself is what I love most about this journey. I don't want to sit on the sideline anymore. I want to show up for my kids and feel great about taking trips, trying new things, doing outdoorsy things even if they're challenging.

There's many things I want to change physically, but since I cant run out and get a tummy tuck or boob lift, I'll start with a chemical peel. Haha. I have sunspots and want them gone so hopefully in the next few weeks I'll get it done. I'll be sure to take before and afters. 

The biggest thing I want to accomplish this year is to meet my goal weight of 150 lbs. 34 lbs. away and it's only February. I got this! This is just a number. I might be happy at 160 or I might be happiest at 140. I just have to wait and see. Right now I just want to fit into a size 10. Currently I'm in a 12.

Ive always wanted to start a garden. Start small of course, but grow things non the less. Tomatoes and bell peppers are a must! I seriously don't know where to start but I'll do my research and find out. Another reason I love Rachel Hollis is because she's proof that regardless of what you want to accomplish, the information is out there, you just have to do the research. She built her company with a high school diploma and a google search bar. If you want to figure out how to do something, you can and it's free. You have zero excuses.

I've never gotten a massage before. I will definitely make this happen! I think my body has earned one :)

My BFF  and I made a list of things we want to do. Starting with a Winery. We want to try to get together at least once a month. Of course this is hard with work schedules, husband and children but we will try our best!! I plan to document our crazy excursions along the way!

A Tattoo! I already have one but am itching to get another one. Something to express overcoming obstacles and feeling free. Maybe a bird, I'm still thinking.

I'm sure some of you can relate to this if you're a stay at home mom.. making your own money. I want a side hustle. Nothing extreme or too time consuming because right now I take care of two littles and what spare time I have I dedicate that to working out so I couldn't take on too much at the moment but I always want that small financial independence for myself. You feel me?!?!? I need to start crafting again...

I know my list will grow. I love having things to work toward and look forward to. It makes life fun.

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