Thursday, April 25, 2019

Get out of your own way!

When you've lost and regained weight as much as I have, you learn a few things along the way. I sat down and thought about all the excuses I had when trying to lose weight in the past and how I have overcome them.

Excuse #1. You let yourself get too hungry

You're starving, you're tired, you haven't eaten in forever….. Screw it, I'm going to Whataburger...McDonalds/Taco Bell/Insert Fast Food joint here _______. I was the Queen of fast food. I ate it every single day...multiple times a day even. When I was pregnant I don't think I cooked a single meal for 9 months!! When you allow yourself to get to the point of starvation, you will fail 99% of the time. So, what do you do to avoid this? Well, eat before you're a ravenous monster or keep snacks with you. I always carry a healthy snack such as a protein bar or some mixed nuts. At least that way it will hold you over and you are less likely to fall off the deep end completely.

Excuse #2. It's too much work to cook healthy

What I like to do is sit down right before I go grocery shopping and plan out my meals for the next 5 days or so. I look at Pinterest for ideas if I want to cook something new. But more times than not, I basically cook the same things. I'll throw in some new recipes here and then.

Buy food that is pre-cut (example:chopped onions, fruit, veggies) My favorite is the frozen sides that you just pop in the microwave. No effort is needed AT ALL!

Prep the night before- already know what you're going to cook and start thawing out the meat.

Drink Protein Drinks! Premier Protein taste great and it's the easiest thing to grab on the go. I drink one just about every day.

Excuse #3. You make it too complicated!

Sister, keep it simple!! you don't have to have a fancy meal every single night. If I find something I like to eat, you better believe I eat it all the time! Pre made lean hamburger patties cooked in the Air Fryer without the bun...literally takes like 15 min and we eat it about once a week.  You don't have to cook something new and complicated every single night. Aint nobody got time fo that!!

Excuse #4. You're overwhelmed with how much you have to lose

Take it 10 lbs. at a time! If you weigh 200 and want to get down to 150, focus on getting to 190 first. That 50 pounds as a whole will overwhelm you.

Excuse #5. You cant do it all so you don't do anything

You don't want to workout? Then don't!  Having a healthy lifestyle is hard, yall. It's work. But it's soooo worth it. But just because you cant or don't want to workout doesn't mean you cant lose weight. It's 80/20 diet vs exercise. Eating a healthy diet is  more important but adding in exercise will just get you to your goals faster. But don't have the all or nothing mentality about it. Start out however you need to, you can always add it in later.

Excuse #6. I just blew my diet so it's over

I used to eat a cheat meal and then spiral out of control!!! And then the next thing I knew I had gained back like 50 lbs. Don't be like me. If you screw up, it's ok. Do better the next meal. One bad decision isn't going to ruin everything you worked hard for. Pick yourself back up and move forward.

Excuse #7. You base everything off  the number on the scale

You stop it right now! That scale will make you cry tears of joy but also tears of frustration. My suggestion is  to measure progress based on  how your clothes fit and also by taking before and after pictures. You're not going to want to take pictures in the beginning but do it anyways. You'll thank yourself later.  Measurements are also a good idea. In the beginning I was losing about a pound a day, but the closer I get to my goal the more stalls I hit. Of course hitting plateaus suck but you have to keep going. Maybe you need to change a few things but do not give up. The scale will move. I promise.

Excuse #8. You keep your weaknesses within reach 

If I know I cant resist something...let's say...idk a snickers bar? I'm not going to keep it in the house. If there's something that no matter what it is you cant resist it,  do not keep it around. Period. I make sure I have snacks for my son that I know he likes but don't temp me.

If you LOVE Ice-cream, find a healthier option, like Halo, it's delicious!!! Or if you LOVE Cokes, get Coke Zero. You don't have to give up all the things that taste great to you.

Excuse #9. It's going to take too long to reach my goals.

You know that saying "where did the time go?" Time flies. This past year of losing weight has passed so quickly for me. It will be the same for you too!  Do not let the thought of it taking too long to lose the weight be an excuse. The time will pass regardless, might as well start working on your goal now!

Excuse #10. You're full of Excesses!!!

 "I don't have enough_____" (Time, Money, Knowledge, Workout Equipment,..etc..)
If I can start my weight loss journey for the millionth time with a 3 month old and a 3 year old as a SAHM with a husband who works shift work and overtime then so can you. We ALL have excuses. But it's just up to you to  make it happen. Don't let every single excuse stand in your way! Does it suck in the beginning? Of course it does! You feel gross and sluggish but guess what? You will only get better with time. You have to lose that first pound to reach your end goal. But the longer you stay on this journey the easier it gets.

Learn from my mistakes. Don't spend another decade being ashamed of the body you're in. I am proud of this body now. I still have work to do but I know I'm so much stronger now. I look forward to working out. I have stretch marks and cellulite but I'm learning to look past those imperfections. Remember, it's about progress not perfection.